Scoliosis | Attune Fitness, LLC
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​Beth's Approach to Working with Individuals With Scoliosis:

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Scoliosis is a three-dimensional, asymmetrical spinal                          disorder in which  the vertebrae in the spine rotate                             

as they form a curve.  Spaces between the vertebrae                                

 may also become compressed in some areas and                                 

stretched in others.                          .  


I use principles from both Postural Restoration and Schroth                       

to customize exercises for clients with scoliosis:             


Postural Restoration is taught by the Postural Restoration            

Institute in Lincoln, Nebraska, founded by Ron Hruska, MS, PT.       

Postural Restoration sees the human body as a tri-planar,         asymmetrical, right side dominant biomechanical system driven by     the nervous and respiratory systems (click here to learn more).  


The Schroth Method approach to scoliosis treatment was  

developed by Katharina Schroth and further popularized by her   

 daughter Christa in Germany in the 1920s. Their work had a     

profound impact on the advancement of non-surgical        

rehabilitation for scoliosis. This methodology uses exercises           

to de-rotate, elongate and stabilize the spine in a three-              

dimensional plane to correct imbalances created by                  

                 scoliosis. Schroth techniques work to help                      

restore neuro-muscular balance and align posture.                        


Both Postural Restoration and Schroth methodology                             

recognize asymmetry in three dimensions and                            

appreciate the power of breathing and repositioning.                          

Utilizing my knowledge of Postural Restoration and                           

Schroth concepts in training allows my clients to exercise                         

safely with decreased pain related to scoliosis while                        

  improving their posture, mobility, respiratory function,                      

and strength. Clients can learn to use breath to open the                    

concave side of the body, restore the alignment of the                  

pelvis and reduce the protruded areas of the ribcage to help            p  

    lengthen their spine and improve posture. As a result, clients can         

use exercise to not only improve their fitness level, but also improve their body mechanics in activities of daily life.



Beth's Scoliosis Coursework & Experience:


Schroth and PRI Scoliosis coursework:

  • Polestar Pilates Educator, Pilates Adaptations for Scoliosis-Based on the Teaching of the Schroth Method - 2016

  • DSW Fitness-Human Kinetics, Effective Exercise for Scoliosis - 2016

  • ​STRATER Scoliosis, A Three-Dimensional Approach for the Conservative Treatment of Scoliosis - 2019, 2020, 2021


Relevant Work Experience:

Advance Physical Therapy 

  • Headquarters of STRATER Scoliosis Institute

  • Certified Postural Restoration Center 


  • Created and developed the Personal Training and Pilates Program 

  • Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor

  • Weekly PRI Study

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